If you have ever been on any social network like twitter or instagram you will have noticed the wide use of hashtags. To make it clear and understandable, a hashtag is simply a way for Tweets or pictures to have a common topic and also to begin a conversation. It starts with a pound sign (#) and is always followed by keywords. It is meant to mark topics or keywords in a Tweet or picture. Hashtags are used as a way to categorize messages and organically created by Twitter users. It is important to do a little research before using
Advantages of Neuromarketing
A well-known fact of life is that we are all consumers whether we like it or not. Shopping plays a big part in our everyday lives. Regardless, if we are buying milk, clothes, a cellphone, or even just gas, we are indeed all consumers. Every day we are flooded with messages from advertisers and marketers. Everywhere from television commercials, billboards, internet, social media and stores. Constantly coming at us are brands and information about brands from all directions of life. We are exposed to endless amounts of advertising every day. Neuromarketing is an exciting field of marketing
With over a billion smart-phone users starting the year off in 2013, we can only imagine how much that will increase over the next year. Escalating pressure to make marketing content mobile-friendly continues at a rapid pace. Implementing a mobile site may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. In order to reap the benefits of mobile marketing follow these three easy steps:
1. Create a mobile-friendly website. If you don’t make your website mobile-friendly you risk losing out on potential customers especially since now a days one third of page views happen on mobile devices. Your
Marketing research that studies consumers’ cognitive, sensorimotor, and affective response to marketing stimuli is called Neuromarketing. It is all about understanding how the brain works and employing that understanding to improve both products and marketing regardless of the science used behind it. This field of marketing uses technologies such as electroencephalography (EEG), Steady state topography (SST) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to learn why customers make the decisions they do and what part of the brain is telling them to do so. Frito-Lay, CBS and Google are a few of the companies that have used neuromarketing research services to
In today’s modus operandi of business, it is both vital and economical that you keep great content on your optimizing landing pages and on your website allowing you to achieve financial success and obtain high search engine organic rankings. Considering the substantial amount of businesses and individuals trying to make their name present on the web with useful information and meaningful mumbo jumbo, there needs to be some level of social engagement. By implementing the new SEO (social engagement optimization), you will be making all your efforts worthwhile.
How often have you visited a site to ask a
Social Media Marketing is evolving and the newest trend is receiving attention and website traffic through social media platforms. The ability for customers to “share”, “like” or “retweet” will benefit your business by reaching a wider audience.
A corporate message that is spread between users is more effective because it is deemed to have come from trusted, third-party sources instead of the company or the brand. Therefore, this kind of marketing is controlled by word-of-mouth, which is ideally earned media as opposed to paid media.
Social media platforms have become accessible to people and businesses with Internet access. The increased communication helps
With little information given by Google about internal workings of its algorithms, it is uncertain and nearly impossible to know what issues webmasters can expect to encounter in 2013. About 200 algorithm updates typically take place each year by Google. However, there is no way to know if another Panda or Penguin update is in the making. It is certainly possible to make a few predictions now of the changes that could take place in the field of search engine optimization for this coming year. Recently, a few fundamental shifts have occurred and will more than likely continue to occur
In modern life, with the constant hustle and bustle, people have short attention spans. In the first 2-4 seconds of seeing a webpage most people will decide to leave a website or continue exploring it. For this reason, visualizations and infographics have become a more effective way to catch people’s eye.
From network data visualizations to word clouds, in a relatively short period of time, infographics have become a primary format for content. It’s evolution and proliferation has been exponential in the past few years. Infographics have been rising in popularity whether you hate them or love them. If you
If you haven’t heard it before then you will hear it now, search engine optimization is a key component in increasing search engine rankings. What this involves is everything from the design of your site to the text on each page of your site. All factors need to be optimized if you want to be placed at the top of search engine results. Increasing the volume and improving the quality of traffic that search engines drive to your site is what search engine optimization is ultimately about. Ten key factors for improving your site’s search rankings include:
1. Knowing your
An essential part of any type of company’s online marketing plan are search engines. It is true that you may purchase pay-per-click ads and banner ads, but a majority of links will still come from search engine results. Most people find the sites they are looking for by simply searching for them regardless of web advertising firms best efforts. Before you can improve your placement in the search engines you need to know how the search engines find your site and rank it.
Information on the web is stored in virtual filing cabinets. Each site has their own filing cabinet